Wednesday, December 4th, 2024

Nucynta Hallucinations

Nucynta Hallucinations What is Nucynta? Nucynta (tapentadol) is an opioid, or narcotic, painkiller that is prescribed for moderate to severe chronic pain in adults, neuropathic pain from diabetic peripheral neuropathy (DPN) in adults, and continuous, around-the-clock pain management for an extended period of time. Nucynta Addiction According to the official website, Nucynta has abuse potential. […]

Depression, Anxiety and Mollies

May 8, 2013 by  
Filed under Addiction, Depression, Meth Addiction, Molly

What are mollies? Mollies are “supposedly” the powdered or crystal for of MDMA. MDMA is also used to make Ecstasy. What they don’t tell you is that what you’re buying on the street can be anything from pure MDMA (highly doubt it) to a substance that is mixed/laced with cocaine, crack, meth, caffeine and any other […]

Clonazepam Facts

August 6, 2012 by  
Filed under Clonazepam

Clonazepam (Brand name Klonopin) is part of a class of drugs known on the street as benzos, downers, nerve pills, or tranks. Most commonly used as anti-anxiety medications, benzos are also used as sedatives, as anticonvulsant medications, and as muscle relaxants.