Wednesday, December 4th, 2024





LSD is a psychoactive drug that can distort reality and cause hallucinations. Known as “acid,” LSD is a semisynthetic substance. It is known for its psychological effects. LSD is not physically addictive, and has a low toxicity in small doses.

LSD Use: What does LSD feel like?

An LSD “trip” (the feeling when you take LSD) is highly subjective. Some people will notice that colors seem brighter and patterns may move or “breathe.” Auditory hallucinations are also common, and music may seem more intricate or sound different when under the influence of LSD. Another common aspect of an LSD trip is that time perception is often distorted. You may feel like hours have passed when it’s only been a few minutes or you may think that you have only been listening to music for a few seconds when it’s actually been an hour. It’s very hard to keep track of time on an LSD trip.

It is common to feel euphoria and anxiety during LSD use. Your heart may pound and you may sweat more than usual. Sometimes the anxiety can be frightening and overwhelming or you may experience unpleasant hallucinations. This is what is known as a “bad trip.” Some users have been hospitalized for a bad trip. Unfortunately, there are no anti-dotes to LSD use. Medical treatment usually involves putting the user in a dark, quiet room until the LSD wears off. Sometimes, the user is given anti-anxiety medications to calm them down.

LSD Use: How long does it last?

LSD use kicks within an hour of taking a dose, and the experience can last for as long as 12 hours. Some users report having “acid flashbacks” for months or years after taking the drug. Flashbacks are a recurrence of some part of the experience of the trip, without having taking the drug again. A small percentage of LSD users experience what is known as Hallucinogen Persisting Perception Disorder.  People suffering from this syndrome experience flashbacks that are persistent, instead of momentary.

List of Hallucinogens

LSD Use: Is it dangerous?

In general, LSD use in small doses is not dangerous. The drug is not physically addictive. LSD tolerance can develop, and cause the user to take a stronger dose each time, but physical withdrawal symptoms from LSD are very rare when use is stopped.

However, LSD use has been shown in some cases to cause psychosis, most commonly when the user has an underlying mental health disorder. Also, because perception is often distorted, it is very hard to judge distance or react to danger. Accidents due to LSD use are common, sometimes even fatal.

LSD use can also be dangerous when you don’t get LSD. Because street drugs aren’t regulated, dealers will often sell you other chemicals and claim that they are LSD. Sometimes these chemicals can be very dangerous and toxic. There have been reports of people substituting poisons for LSD. Also, higher doses of LSD use can be dangerous, and increase the chances of a bad trip.

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