Thursday, December 5th, 2024

The Dangers of Mixing Molly and Alcohol

January 9, 2013 by  
Filed under Alcohol, Molly

The Dangers of Mixing Molly and Alcohol Molly is the term used for pure ecstasy or MDMA. Molly is an illicit drug that creates a sense of euphoria, intimacy, and calmness in individuals who take it. Some people will unknowingly or willingly combine molly with alcohol. Mixing molly and alcohol can be very dangerous. Mixing […]

Are there any positive effects of taking Molly?

December 18, 2012 by  
Filed under Molly

Are there any positive effects of taking Molly? Are there any positive effects of taking Molly? Molly’s history in medicine Molly is the street name for the drug MDMA. Molly was first synthesized in 1912, because manufacturers hoped it would help control bleeding. After that, its use was explored by the military for use as […]

Your brain on Molly

December 18, 2012 by  
Filed under Molly

Your brain on Molly Molly is the street name for the drug MDMA. MDMA is also the main ingredient in ecstasy, but ecstasy is usually “cut” with other drugs, while Molly is pure MDMA. Your brain on Molly: How Molly Works in The Brain Molly affects the brain by increasing the activity of at least […]

MDMA use in 2012

November 13, 2012 by  
Filed under MDMA, Molly

“Molly” is the street name for MDMA a recreational psychoactive “club drug.” MDMA is the active ingredient in ecstasy, which usually refers to the street pill form of the drug. While ecstasy is commonly “cut” with other additives, the term “Molly” generally refers to pure MDMA. MDMA rose to prominence in trendy nightclubs and gay […]

Molly Moonrocks

October 24, 2012 by  
Filed under Molly

Molly Moonrocks You have definitely heard of Ecstasy, you may have heard of Molly, but have you ever heard of molly moonrocks? Supposedly this drug which is molly just in a different form is the newest and best thing to be seen and used by “rollers” and “ravers” in a while. Molly is the street […]

Kids using Molly on YouTube

September 10, 2012 by  
Filed under Meth, Molly, YouTube

These days with all the social media and accessibility to the Internet not much goes unseen. One of those things that are being seen more commonly on the infamous and famous site YouTube is kids using molly. Kids using molly on YouTube is becoming more and more common because their friends think it’s funny when […]

Is Molly Drug Dangerous?

July 16, 2012 by  
Filed under Molly

We’re guessing you already know what molly is if you are wondering if it is dangerous. But just in case you happened across this article and don’t know what molly is, let us say this; We’re not talking about the girl you had a crush on in 5th grade math class or your best friend […]

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