Wednesday, December 4th, 2024

Nucynta Hallucinations

Nucynta Hallucinations What is Nucynta? Nucynta (tapentadol) is an opioid, or narcotic, painkiller that is prescribed for moderate to severe chronic pain in adults, neuropathic pain from diabetic peripheral neuropathy (DPN) in adults, and continuous, around-the-clock pain management for an extended period of time. Nucynta Addiction According to the official website, Nucynta has abuse potential. […]

Molly and Serotonin Syndrome

Molly and Serotonin Syndrome Molly, a slang term for the drug MDMA and also includes Ecstasy, is a stimulant, amphetamine, and hallucinogen. Molly can cause feelings of euphoria, a sense of intimacy with others, reduced anxiety, and mild hallucinations. Chronic use of Molly can cause increased rates of depression and anxiety among users, even after […]


Ketamolliecaine There is no limit on the lengths people will go to get high. Whether it’s taking large doses of over-the-counter medications (e.g. “Robo-tripping”), creating chemical laden substances sold “legally” and labeled “not for human consumption” (e.g. “Spice”, “Bath Salts”), or combining  street drugs (e.g. “candy-flipping”, “speed-balling”), the drug world is always evolving. Ketamine, molly […]

Ibogaine Detox for Heroin Addiction

June 17, 2013 by  
Filed under Addiction, Alkaloids, Hallucinogenic Drugs

Ibogaine Detox for Heroin Addiction                Ibogaine is an isolated alkaloid from the root bark of the central West African shrub known as Iboga. Ibogaine has been used for thousands of years for spiritual development and as a rite of passage into adulthood. Ibogaine is a very potent hallucinogenic drug that’s effects can last up to […]

List of Hallucinogenic Drugs

January 1, 2012 by  
Filed under Hallucinogenic Drugs, Latest Post

Hallucinogenic drugs are any drugs with psychoactive effects. They cause change in perception, thought, and emotion. They are not physically addicting. Unlike other psychoactive drugs, hallucinogenic drugs do not amplify familiar states of mind; they induce states that are outside of regular consciousness. Memory and intellectual impairment are minimal. List of Hallucinogenic Drugs: LSD LSD […]